Ethan's Enchanting Reef (RSR 250 Build) Hi all!I'm back in the hobby after an almost 10 year hiatus I was active on this forum with my 12g nano tank before I moved across the country (Georgia to Portland, OR) This forum provided a lot of help, so I'm glad a larger tank thread exists for my Red Sea Reefer 250!Add Red Sea's smart devices and watch your savings grow

Red Sea Reefer 170 White Deluxe
Red sea reefer nano build
Red sea reefer nano build-The big 1 year update and review of tank Red Sea Reefer 250 Build We are upgrading from a 38 gallon tank to the Red Sea Reefer 250 It was just delivered last night Mostly set up Waiting for the second light mount and 2 wavemakers to show up Here is a list of what we have so far Water and bacteria along with rock and sand added last night to begin cycle Keeping lights off for now

Buy This Red Sea Reefer Aquarium System Nano 18 21g
Ideal fish would be nonaggressiveMyREEFER Wizard Red Sea Build your own REEFER TM system! I really like the location, seems like I'm alone in this lol Your on the right track with everything imo Hopefully your wife comes around and enjoys it with you (10 years and I'm still waiting on mine too)
The REEFER™ Deluxe incorporates the allnew Hydra 26™ HD LED lighting units with Red Sea's custom mounting system into the Reefer reef ready systems in a convenient single package The Hydra 26™ HD unit provides the most up to date LED technology, offering a full spectrum, 7 colour LED configuration giving great colour rendition and a multitude of lighting effects hi all, so i'm getting into this surprisingly resourceintensive hobby against my wife's better judgement, and due to space constraints will be doing this with a nano tank, which i realise is not necessarily the easiest entry point into the space in any event, i have procured most of what iThis week we build the reef tank don't forget to
Now, finally, I got a new Red Sea Reefer Nano, which gives me back a sump and makes a water change more like 1 or 2 5 gallon buckets That I can deal with 🙂 I have one fish that made the move that's been with me since day one, a beautiful Wyoming White clownMerch https//storereefbuilderscom/site https//reefbuilderscomsupport us on Patreon https//wwwpatreoncom/user?u=come to our conferences htThe NANO skimmer implements Red Sea's REEFSPEC ® criteria for SPS corals, passing the entire volume of the aquarium water through the skimmer approximately 3 times per hour and with a 3 to 1 water to air ratio The NANO skimmer is not affected by the regular fluctuation in the water level of the rear sump due to evaporation and has an adjustable outlet gate to maintain the optimal

My Red Sea Max Nano Beginners Discussion Nano Reef Community

Red Sea Reefer 170 White Deluxe
I took the plunge into saltwater 56 years ago and started with a 5G moved to a 10G then got the Red Sea Reefer Nano I will assume there's another upgrade on the horizon haha So I had this very tankRed Sea Aquariums Complete Aquatics are delighted to offer a fantastic range of Red Sea aquariums, including the hugely popular Red Sea Reefer range, including the bestselling Reefer 170, 250, 350 and XL fish tanks In addition to the Reefer, we also stock the Nano, MaxE and SSeries ranges, with a wide variety of size options being available including 75 litre, 170 litre, 260 It's never been easier to set up a reef tank and this is precisely what we set out to demonstrate in our recent build of starter nano reef tank In less than 24 hours we took a Red Sea Max Nano from completely empty, to full of sand, rock, seawater, corals and a few fish, tossing many conventions about reef keeping to the wind

New Build Red Sea Reefer Nano 21 Reef2reef Saltwater And Reef Aquarium Forum

Build Thread Coraldanimal S Red Sea Reefer 425 Xl Mixed Reef Reef2reef Saltwater And Reef Aquarium Forum
Hey all, I wanted to get everyone's ideas concerning a fish for my Red Sea Reefer Nano I currently have an Emerald Crab and a Blood Shrimp, but would like to add a fish to the tank I am sure this has been asked a thousand times, but what do you think? I love how the max nano looks and the build quality is awesome on these tanks!I had a Red Sea Reefer 350 but had decided to tear it down in the beginning of the year It was a clean setup If you have not seen the sump setup, check o

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Red Sea Reefer Nano Reefscape Is Finished Reeftank
Here I am building a reefer 170 based sps aquarium with limited space and lots of ideas ;)Please follow along if you interested and and happy to discuss any detIve also decided to follow the Red Sea reef Equipment Tank Red Sea Reefer 250 Lights TBD – Interested in the Kessil AP9X Skimmer TBD – Bubble Magus or Reef Octopus likely Flow Sicce Syncra SDC 60 WiFi Controllable Pump ( GPH) Heater (2) Eheim Jager 150W Controller Hydros Controller Planned Livestock Fish No clue, but I really want a mandarin and a canary wrasseI kind of want to go

Nano Build Red Sea Reefer Nano Reef2reef Saltwater And Reef Aquarium Forum

Brian S Red Sea Reefer 170 Nano Reef Journals Nano Reef Community
I will begin posting some images as the build progresses and an explanation what specific equipment I am installing and my reasoning behind my decisions So far I have seen very little on the net regarding the Red Sea Reefer Nano 21, hopefully what I am doing here will assist others in their decision regarding this system 5 Red Sea Max Nano Aquarium Looking for the best all in one reef aquarium these days can be daunting given there are lots of choices with irresistible features that are readily available on the market The good news is that, if you check out this product, you will see realize that it can be the perfect deal for youRed Sea REEFER™ Peninsula Concept If you're looking to add the distinctive beauty of a

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Red Sea's neue Reefer Peninsula Serie bringt Farbe und Ambiente in jeden Wohn oder Büroraum und das zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten einer speziell angefertigten Installation Erhältlich in 125 cm lang / 500 Liter oder 160 cm lang / 650 Liter bietet die REEFER ™ Peninsula Serie eine beeindruckende und elegante RaumteilerLösung mit allen Features unserer fortschrittlichen REEFER I also have a Red Sea Reefer Nano that I'm stocking Here are some ideas below "Chill" Fish (they don't do much, but sort of hang out in the water column and look pretty)Bangaii/Kaudern's CardinalFirefish (regular, purple, or helfrichi)Royal Gramma (the most active on this "chill" list) Active Fish (they will swim around a lot) Red Sea Reefer Nano Total System water volume 28 gallons;

Sunken Shrine Aka Darren S Nano Red Sea Reefer 170 Build Reef Central Online Community

Red Sea Max Nano Upgrade Nano Reef Journals Nano Reef Community
Check out our howto video that shows exactly how to assemble Red Sea's fish saver, stepbystep Keep in mind that this is a DoitYourself cover, and while it offers versatility and customizability at a fraction of the cost of custombuilt covers, it does require proper DIY skills including planning, taking exact measurements and cutting aluminum profiles Nano Reef Articles & Guides Featured Nano Reef Aquariums Our Picks Community Highlights Hobby Event Calendar Glossary Of Terms More Forums General Discussion Beginners Discussion System Setup Live Stock Identification Forum Special Interests AllInOne Tanks Pico Reef DiscussionJourney with me as I set up the reefer nano and show you the ups, downs, left and rights__Weekly videos!

Buy This Red Sea Reefer Aquarium System Nano 18 21g

Red Sea Reefer 170 White Deluxe
Red Sea Reefer Nano Spare Parts Charterhouse Aquatics Installation & Maintenance We build and maintain beautiful aquariums Free Shipping Over £50 Spend over £50 on your order and qualify for free shipping Pay by Finance We offer flexible monthly finance options Price Match Red Sea Reefer Review no after sales service Looking for a zetlight UFO ZE00 or Redsea Reefer 90 light wtd Red Sea reefer 250 wtd Red Sea Max Nano or Reefer Nano Gauteng wtd Redsea reefer 250 drain pipe replacementThe NANO skimmer implements Red Sea's REEFSPEC ® criteria for SPS corals, passing the entire volume of the aquarium water through the skimmer approximately 3 times per hour and with a 3 to 1 water to air ratio The NANO skimmer is not affected by the regular fluctuation in the water level of the rear sump due to evaporation and has an adjustable outlet gate to maintain the optimal

Nano Build Red Sea Reefer Nano And 650 Peninsula Reef2reef Saltwater And Reef Aquarium Forum

Red Sea Reefer 350 Sump Hard Piping Setup Mylife
Red Sea's REEFER™ series of Reef Systems provide advanced hobbyists with a solid foundation for building a fully featured reef or marine aquarium The REEFER™ series combines a contemporary, rimless, ultraclear glass aquarium with a stylish cabinet and a comprehensive water management system including a professional sump with integrated automatic topup and Red SeaDisplay Red Sea Reefer nano 18x18x18 total display volume (21 gallons) Sump Red Sea Stock sump W ater height 8" Skimmer chamber 94"x" Pump chamber 94"x47" Return Pump Eheim 00 Compact (528 gph) Cabinet/ Stand White Red Sea reefer nano stand 18x18x34Please fill out the price match form You must include a valid URL so we can validate and accept the price If we are unable to match the price we will inform you of the best price we can offer

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Nano Build Red Sea Reefer Nano Reef2reef Saltwater And Reef Aquarium Forum
1st time making my own thread, but I have stalked a lot of them I love seeing other ppls threads and how their builds can help others make decisions on how they want to setup their 1st tank or their 10th My tank has been up and running since 1/1/17 and that is also how long IIm going to set this tank up as a mixed reef with softies,LPS and maybe a few SPS in the future but for now ill stick to the more forgiving corals! Red Sea Reefer Review no after sales service wtd Red Sea Reefer 350 sump Looking for a zetlight UFO ZE00 or Redsea Reefer 90 light wtd Red Sea reefer 250 wtd Red Sea Max Nano or Reefer Nano Gauteng

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Awesome Sea Red Sea Hydra 26 Settings
Red Sea Reefer 250 Aquarium (White) Since its inception over years ago, Red Sea's vision has been to create a world in which marine and reef aquariums are the aquariums of choice for all hobbyists by providing complete reef solutions Red Sea offer aquariums for both the beginner and expert hobbyist Aquariums include the latest LED andHey, what up guys sorry I have been uploading that much have been busy lately Before we get into the details of this video, yes I know I spelled socks wrongThe Nano Reef Tank of Dave from Switzerland is as unique as no other Based on the Red Sea Reefer Nano Max, the reef structure was glued to the back wall and

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Detailed Red Sea Reefer 170 Review With Photos 18 Update
With a net operating volume of 900 liter / 240 gal, the new REEFER 3 XL 900 is an impressive reef system that provides unsurpassed depth and dimension to the reefscaping 0cm / 79" long, and 65cm / 256" high and wide, the REEFER 3 XL 900 give s hobbyists the freedom to create a truly spectacular reef Both the 3XL 900 and revised XXL 750 V3 are constructed using 19mm ultraRed Sea Reefer Max Nano found in Max NANO Complete Reef System ( Gal), Red Sea REEFER Return Nozzle to LocLine Adapter, 4" Filter Media Cup, Slide Out Control Panel, Customizable DIY Aquarium Net Cover Kit, &hellipWelcome to my brand new tank thread on my brand new Reef2Reef account!

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Nano Build William S Nyc Reefer Nano Reef2reef Saltwater And Reef Aquarium Forum
I really like the location, seems like I'm alone in this lol Your on the right track with everything imo Hopefully your wife comes around and enjoys it with you (10 years and I'm still waiting on mine too)REEFER™ Concept Red Sea's REEFER™ series of Reef Systems provide advanced hobbyists with a solid foundation for building a fully featured reef or marine aquarium The REEFER™ series combines a contemporary, rimless, ultraclear glass aquarium with a stylish cabinet and a comprehensive water management system including a professional sump with integrated automatic topup and Red Sea

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