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Uma adição a altamente elogiada família de carretilhas SLX da Shimano, a SLX MGL 70 apresenta o carretel MGL de baixa inércia da Shimano, em uma carretilha de tamanho 70, super compacta!Shimano SLX MGL 70XG Right Hand Reels Used If you love to fish, we'll show you the gear Browse hand selected saltwater tackle that gets the job done rightシマノ slxmgl71xg slx mgl 71 xg ロープロファイル lh ベイトキャストリールボックスがリールストアでいつでもお買い得。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常配送無料(一部除く)。
SLX MGL 70/71 is a sturdy bait casting reel with fine casting performance Compared to SLX original models, this MGL version has magnum light spools to cast light rigs better Its super durable aluminum alloy body holds precision mechanical solid Magnum Light (MGL) Spool accelerate fast and casts great for light rigsThough the SLX MGL 70 is designed as a value oriented workhorse it still makes use of quality materials in the reel's construction including an aluminum frame, brass gearing, and the cross carbon drag The SLX MGL will be available in 631, 721, andEncontre Shimano Metanium Dc Varas e Acessórios Carretilhas de Pesca Shimano no MercadoLivrecombr Descubra a melhor forma de comprar online Aproveite o frete grátis pelo MercadoLivrecombr!

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The SLX MGL 70 incorporates Shimano's SVS Infinity Braking System to increase casting distance and enables anglers to achieve the ideal cast by easily making adjustments from the palming side plate to match changing weather conditions or casting a variety of lures Just like the rest of the SLX family, the SLX MGL 70 is built with the same tournamentready, rigid HAGANE Body forShimano SLX MGL 70 An addition to the highlytouted family of SLX reels, the SLX MGL 70 features Shimano's low inertia MGL Spool in a compact 70size reel The MGL Spool excels in the castability of both finesse and heavy lures, while the compact size of the SLX MGL 70 makes it a perfect reel for lightline applicationSLX MGL 21,000 円 (税別) 先進の技術がもたらした確かな基本性能。 広い守備範囲を誇るハイコストパフォーマー。 クイックな立ち上がりで抜群の飛距離とストレスのない飛びを実現するマグナムライトスプール、イージーセッティングで広いブレーキ調整幅を誇るSVS∞(インフィニティ)、高剛性のHAGANEボディなど、上級機種並みのテクノロジーを惜しみなく投入

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